Website + Mobile App (1.82) - 4 September 2022

Website + Mobile App (1.82) - 4 September 2022

New feature & enhancement announcement

 H&S - Editable Incident Form can be emailed

We've had many requests to enable sending the editable incident forms via email. You can now create a special link and send it out via email with a single tap on the mobile app:

Anyone who received the link will be able to add details in the form and submit it. Our aim is to save time for all involved in your processes. 

With this feature, editable fields can be selected; the remaining read-only fields will then be greyed out. 

You can track whether or not the receiver has submitted the form on the web portal's incident register page in the action column on the right hand side. 

To enable this feature, please get in touch with your dedicated consultant or the support team (

Icons for indicating Checklist Completion Status are much clearer

There are new icons to show where unanswered questions are to help those dealing with long audit forms or checklists. 

1. When mandatory and/or the tracked questions are all answered under the grouping/category, a "check mark" icon will appear.

If you see check marks on all tabs, mission completed! All the important questions are answered.

2. A pink line shows you the question is unanswered.

You can now instantly see which tracked questions are not yet answered. Once you fill in the question, the pink line will disappear. 

3. A pink check mark icon will also appear on each set of lists.

If your checklist/form contains dynamic data list and you want to make sure each list is fully responded, simply look for a check mark on top of the list. This comes handy especially when there are many list (e.g. attendance roll, safety check at multiple entrances etc.) as you no longer have to expand each list to go through if all questions are answered or not.

 Ticket with checklist attached feature has improved

A ticket with a checklist attached has new usability.

1. More user-friendly interface

(i) The attached checklist is now right below the ticket details
(ii) In case the user misses the checklist and attempts to submit the ticket, the button itself now reminds the user "VIEW CHECKLIST" (Note: this will be switched to SUBMIT if the user start entering details in the checklist)
(iii) Minimum details are showing in the ticket details as default, and they are collapsible by the "Show hidden/Hide Fields" button

2. Tickets with checklist attached are available in a ticket pop option

Ticket pop now has wider function. You can attach a ticket with a checklist attached saving users time by potentially removing the need for a separate second action.
e.g. reporting of maintenance concerns, stock requests with a ticket pop while completing a daily checklist.

Other tweaks and fixes

1. Ticket Creation Date is now displayed on the mobile App & PWA, on the Tickets page

2. Incidents tab is displayed the same way as Checklists and Tickets

  1. Number of outstanding Incidents are shown in the top right hand side
  2. Incident search is accessible from the dashboard directly now

3. The maximum number of characters for the field of 'Other' for Type of Injury is 64 now

It was previously max. 32 characters only, now it can accommodate up to 64 characters which should be enough to describe what other type of injury the affected person has sustained.

4. Removed the 'Send checklist via email option' checkbox from the Details tab of the checklist

The checkbox has been removed from the Details tab, as there is already an option that comes up when you submit the checklist:

As usual, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

1Place Support Team

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