Website + Mobile App (1.81) - 22 July 2022

Website + Mobile App (1.81) - 22 July 2022

Web portal and mobile app updated: tweaks and fixes to make life easier

What's new?

New features - Web Portal

Create sections and format text in the Health & Safety Incident form.

Incident form templates now have extra formatting options, so you can highlight your priority areas in order. 
  1. Headings with 3 selectable colored backgrounds can now be added, and this is useful when there are multiple 'sections' in the incident form. This can be turned on via Custom Fields, selecting Information as the data type.
  2. The texts/questions in the incident form can be formatted by applying Markdown. Currently Heading, bold, italic and underline can be applied to text. This is available to any Health & Safety custom fields.
Here's how to add headings:
1. Add Custom Field by clicking on Settings, Custom Fields, "Add Custom Field":

2. Set "Information" as the data type, and make sure to select H&S Incident Details/Investigation page where it displays.
It then gives you the option to select a background color for the new 'section' from blue, pink or purple. (Note: choosing background "None" will give you the default/ordinary information panel).
Markdown can be optional, but if you select it, it defaults it to Heading 3 font size. If you do not turn this option on, the text in your new section will show the same size as the rest of the form. You can view a preview of the text according to the markdown you applied on the last field.

Below is how to format texts/questions by adding Markdown:

1. Once Health & Safety Incident Details/Investigation is selected for this custom field, be sure to turn on "Use Markdown".

2. Hover mouse on "?" icon, and you will then see the list of markdowns you can apply to this custom field, along with some examples:

3. Apply Syntax accordingly. You can combine more than 1 syntax. You can check the outcome in the preview field:

Below are the examples of how they look like in the mobile app/PWA, the web portal and the PDF report.
Mobile app/PWA:

Web portal:

PDF report:

Documents can now be attached to the Incident Investigation (Web portal only)

Previously, documents could only be attached to the incident details and these could be viewed by all of the users who had access to the incident. Now users who have access to Investigation (usually center manager/director or above) can add documents to an investigation, helping to maintain confidentiality if necessary.

Profile History is now added 

There is already a history page for the User and Person, where you can check any changes made on the record. Now we are introducing Profile history.
All the changes made to the Profile setting get recorded and an audit report can be downloaded in PDF form.

Bug fixes - Web Portal

Person history page loading issue

  1. PDF report downloads faster as well

Checklist with a large number of conditional rules loads faster on the web portal, "Complete Checklist" page

  1. There was an error where it either timed out or took more than 5 minutes to load certain checklists with conditional rules built in. This is now fixed and loads faster. Please note: it is still strongly recommended to complete checklists on the mobile app or the PWA (
As usual, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

1Place Support Team

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