Website + Mobile App (1.80) - 26 May 2022

Website + Mobile App (1.80) - 26 May 2022

We've recently rolled out a series of updates, tweaks and bug fixes to our web portal and the mobile app. 

What's new?

New features - Web Portal

Changes to Incident Categories

We have introduced a new way to apply a Category to Incident Reports. By enabling a special setting, you can achieve the following:
  1. The Status can be automatically changed to Open
  2. The User submitting the Incident can change the Status to Open / Resolved
If you would like to know more about this feature, please contact our Support Team or your Consultant and they can explain this further. We've also released Version 1.80 of our Mobile App to use this new feature.

Kidsoft (Childcare Management Software CCMS) Integration

For our Childcare clients in Australia, we now have an Integration available with Kidsoft. This means we can synchronise your Service and Child data. The benefits of using the Integration are:
  1. Incident Reports are 'linked' to the child, which makes it easier to retrieve all Incident Reports for a child.
  2. We can pre-populate certain fields in the Incident Report with information stored in Kidsoft (EG gender, date of birth, parent(s) / guardian(s) contact details)
  3. When Submitting the Incident Report, and you choose to email a PDF copy of the report, we will pre-populate the known email addresses of the parent(s) / guardian(s)

Show photos on full page size in the PDF Report

By default each photo added to a question in your Checklist will show on 1/6th of the PDF Report when printed in portrait mode. We have now added the option that for selected questions, the photo will also be added in full page width / height at the very bottom of your PDF report. There will also be a reference if there is a full size photo available.

The Setting can be found in the Template Builder, in the Attachment tab of the question:

The reference to the full size photo looks like this (Full Size Image FS - 1):

Bug fixes - Web Portal

When adding a new Site, you now land on the 'Site Details' tab when Saving

  1. Note. Before this you would land on the 'Notes' tab instead.

Survey Error: when the Survey uses Conditional Rules we now only enable the 'Next' button when all new questions are showing.

  1. Previously the 'Next' button would already be available, and tapping on it too soon would cause problems with questions not loading correctly.

Health & Safety Dashboard: errors with the 'Review Due Hazard' and 'Pending Incidents' buttons.

  1. Previously clicking these buttons would cause errors, or show the incorrect number of Hazards / Pending Incidents.
As usual, feel free to reach out to us should you have any questions.

1Place Support Team

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