Website + Mobile App (1.63) - 31 July 2019
We've rolled out an update to the website as well as the mobile app (v 1.63). This update contains several tweaks and bug fixes:
What's New:
- The 'Select-Many' question type now shows a checkbox next to each option in the mobile app. This should make it more obvious that multiple options may be selected.
- The ticket content field is no longer mandatory for ad-hoc tickets (it's still mandatory for automated tickets).
- We have rolled back some UI changes on ticket page so that ticket content, attachments etc are hidden for checklist-attached tickets, like they used to be.
- Site & franchisee uploads no longer require contact email addresses.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where in some cases adding conversation/comments to a ticket would cause the new ticket page to error out.
- With cloned tickets, ticket content is no longer wiped upon changing the site/franchisee assignment or the ticket category.
- Super Users have the ability to edit the checklist date field again.
- It's possible to create users with a '+' in their email address again.
- Fixed the anchoring of the submit button for automated tickets on the mobile app so that you don't have to scroll all the way to the top to submit it.
- Fixed an issue where a ticket status change on the mobile app would always show a 'new draft created' message.