Understand Your Reporting - By View

Understand Your Reporting - By View



It's a phrase that we love to use and for good reason. If you're not inspecting what you're expecting you are missing out on two important things; firstly, you won't know when you are close to your target. Secondly, you have no way of qualifying whether the decisions you make are the best ones for your business. In other words, it is being able to map where each center sits against your expected best practice standards.

The reports provide a visual representation of your overall business results based on certain checklists criteria, with each report looking at the results from a slightly different perspective. It is in a way a 'To-do' list as the results provide a list of strong areas and areas which need more improvement or investment. This article will give you a brief overview of the main reports that you will use. The reports are available both on the web portal, which enables real time visibility and can be emailed to you on a set schedule as well. 

Different types of Reports

There are five different types of reports that you will mainly see:
  1. Completion Report
  2. Comparison Report
  3. Group Results Report
  4. Photos Report
  5. Tickets Report 
To give you an idea on how each one looks, there will be examples from both the web portal and email in the reports below. You may not see all of these reports. You will only see those that are scheduled. 

Completion Report

The Completion Report is to view if everything has been done or completed on a specific date range (for example, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly) on a checklist (for example, all opening checklists for your center). This ensure best practices and licensing are upkept and provides benchmarking by group metrics to identify gaps and successes so that you can proactively put measures in place. The green tick means that it has been completed, the orange horizonal line means that it has been partially completed and the red cross means that it has not been started. The example below is from the web portal.


Comparison Report

The Comparison Report gives you the ability to understand your rooms in your center compared against each other. can compare You are able to compare the rooms to look for lower scores or for hazard identification or tasks that haven't been completed. The example below is from the email report.


Group Results Report

The Group Results Report allows you to identify specific areas in your checklist that are scoring lower so that you can make steps to ensure that these can be rectified by way of resourcing, budget, licensing standards to name a few. They can be shown in a spider chart or a bar graph.


Photos Report

This is a documentation of all of the images taken which is date and time stamped, so that you are able to view what it looked like at the time the checklist was completed. This is only available when the report is emailed.


Tickets Report

The Tickets Report gives you the ability to see the tickets raised from the checklist at a glance and to be able to track it to completion.


Reports on the web portal vs Emailed Reports

Essentially there is little difference between the reports on the web portal and the reports that are emailed to you. As we understand that you are busy, we email the reports to you so that you can view them on the go. When you view the reports on the web portal, the reports become more interactive as you are able to change the date range and add or amend the widgets to investigate different aspects of the report. 

Scheduling of Email Reports

Reports can be scheduled on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. It is the same data with a different time frame. Daily reports enable you to view in real time and have discussions from it to see daily non compliance so that you can act on it immediately. Weekly, monthly and annual reports allow you to view trends over time, analyze the data and mitigate risk. It enables you to analyze what you inspect and be able to discuss it.

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