Ticket Categories

Ticket Categories

Ticket Categories

The ticket categories make it easier for users to find similar tickets within your 1Place instance. Ticket categories made here will appear when a user is creating a new ticket. 

To start creating a new Ticket Category, click the green “+New Ticket Category” button on the right side of the screen.

  1. Start by adding a label and description to your Ticket Category. 

  • Next up are your PDF report settings, these determine how your PDF reports are laid out for reports within this category.

  1. Next you choose if the Ticket can be created against the Franchisee only, Site only, or both through the Ticket Assignment setting. By pre-defining this you will be able to run better reporting through the system.

  1. Category Type adds this Ticket Category to a Category Type.

  1. Assign Checklist to Ticket Category allows the user to require other Users to fill in a Checklist.

After configuring the initial settings you can start to configure the actual Ticket Workflow:

  • Automatic Forwarding: This means the Ticket is instantly sent to one or multiple Users to Resolve. If Automatic Forwarding is unticked, you can choose to add in a Delegator or Opener.

  •  Resolvers: After the Ticket has been created / Delegated / Opened, the Resolver gets assigned to the Ticket and they can carry out any remedial work required. In the Workflow you determine if only 1 Resolver is required to process the Ticket, or all Resolvers are required.

  • Closers: After the Ticket has been processed by the Resolver(s), the Closer will review the Ticket and Close if applicable. In the Workflow you determine if only 1 Closer is required to process the Ticket, or all Closers are required.

  • Profiles with Access to this Category allows the user to choose specific profiles who can use this new category. 

  1. Email Rule: This Rule will determine which Users are receiving email notifications via email, and this is defined by Status. The default Rule is set up so that only the next User(s) in the workflow receive the email.


  1. Due Date Setting: For each Priority in the Ticket Category you can lock in the Due Date, by pre-defining by how many days a Due Date should be pushed out. If all values are set to '0', the User can define the Due Date for a Ticket when creating one.

  1. Prepopulating Content Setting: The last setting in the Ticket Category is to determine if Ticket Content should automatically be populated. Please note that this setting only applies to Tickets that are automatically generated based on an answer in the Checklist.

Click the green 'Add' button at the bottom right of the screen to add your new Ticket Category to your 1Place. 

Using Ticket Categories with Tickets:

When creating a new Ticket, you will have the option to add it to a ticket category:
  1. Click the correct Category Type for your ticket.
  2. Select your Ticket Category from the list.
  3. Your new ticket will be added to that Ticket Category.

When searching for specific Tickets you may use Ticket Categories to find them faster:
  1. On the 'My Assigned Tickets' page click the 'Show Search' button at the top right.
  2. Clicking 'Ticket Category' on the left side of the page will bring a drop down box for you to choose the category you are looking for.

  1. Click the grey 'Search' button on the bottom right side of the search box.
  2. Your Tickets within that category will become listed for you to see and analyse. 

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