Reassign Tickets

Reassign Tickets

Reassign Tickets

The Reassign Tickets feature can be found under the Ticket Manager tab at the very bottom.

This feature is designed to allow users to mass update tickets. 

The mass update could be used to change the Status of multiple Tickets at a time, or include / exclude Users if you've made changes to the Ticket Category.

  1. To find tickets to reassign click the “Search” button at the top right of the page.

This will bring a drop down menu which will allow the user to filter and find specific tickets and groups of tickets.

We recommend that you only Reassign 1 Status at a time if you're Reassigning to update Users in the Tickets.
Once you have completed your filters, click the grey 'Search' button.

  1. The list of tickets you filtered will appear below. Use the tick boxes on the left side to choose which Tickets will be in your Reassignment. 
  2. Once you have chosen your tickets, click the green '+Reassign Tickets button.' 

  1. You will be shown four options on what/who to Reassign the ticket to: 

  1. Delegator: Reassigns the ticket to delegators within your 1Place.
  2. Resolvers: Reassigns the ticket to resolver within your 1Place.
  3. Closer: Reassigns the ticket to closers within your 1Place. 
  4. Closed: Closes the ticket. This is an easy way to mass close tickets instead of doing them one-by-one.
  1. You are also able to choose who is notified about this (Creator, Opener, Resolver and Closer.)

  1. Click the green 'Save' button to update your tickets. 

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