My Users

My Users

Managing Users

Through the 'My Users' Setting all Users within 1Place instance can be added and managed.
The My Users Filter is used to search for a User/or User's.
The Users details can be filtered by First Name, Last Name, Email address, Status or Profile.

The Status filter has 3 options:
  • Active; all Users that can currently access 1Place
  • Inactive; all Users that have been 'Deactivated'. Inactive Users are no longer has access to 1Place system and they will not appear in the user list of Ticket Categories, or as Franchisee / Site Manager. To make a User inactive, click on the First Name, followed by the red 'Deactivate User' button.
  • Archived; all Users that have been 'Archived'. Archived Users can't login, but all other functions remain intact. To archive a User, click 'Archive' on the right side.

The Actions on the right allow you to:
  • Edit the User Details
  • Change the User's Password
  • Email the User to change their Password
All of these Actions can also be achieved by clicking on the User's First Name, entering the record and clicking the green buttons as per below.

You can also bulk update the status of users via 'Upload Users'. This feature takes the same steps across other modules such as Sites/Rooms, Franchisee/Center etc.
Here is an article that shows the step by step how to bulk update the status of rooms/sites which you can follow on the User page instead.

Adding Users

Users can be added via 2 different options , Add User or Upload User.

Add User

A individual User can be dded to the system by clicking the green '+ Add User' button.
Enter all the required details for the new User, add in a Password (min 10 characters, 1 upper case), Time Zone and select a Profile option. 

Profile Selection.
When a Profile is selected form the drop down box the details are shown below. The User can select an Existing Profile, Create New Profile, or select a Super User Profile.
Once the Users Details has been set up with the appropriate Profile select the green Add button to create the New User. If a new Profile is created this is automatically shown in My Profiles.

  1. Existing Profile :- Select an existing Profile from the Profile drop down. This gives the new User exactly the same access as other Users linked to that Profile.
  1. New Profile :- Select 'Create a New Profile" from the Profile drop down . Enter the New Profile Name, set the Profile Permissions as required. 

  2. New Profile using existing profile as a template :- Select an existing Profile from the Profile drop down box. This Profile can be used as a template for a new Profile. This route can be used when you have an existing Profile which has all/majority of the permissions needed, but requires a different name. Once selected rename the Profile. You may also potentially want to change some  Permissions e.g Profile utilised is for Region A and allows access to Sites A1, A2, and Checklist Z. New User is User B, they require a Profile which has the same permissions as that of User A but they are responsible for Region B and only have access to Sites B1, B2. By using Profile A as a template you would only have to make a change to the Sites from A1, A2 to B1, B2.

PLACE HOLDER  link to My Profiles - Completing Profile Selection

The Profile for a existing specific user can be accessed by clicking on the users Profile name.
This takes you to teh profile page and allows you to amend the record if required. 
Please Note :- if the Profile has been assigned to several users any changes will affect all users.

PLACE HOLDER  link to My Profiles - Completing Profile Selection

Upload User

The Upload User facility is utilised when you have a group of users to enter into the system.
Click on the green 'Upload Users' button.
Down load the Excel User Template.
Enter all the details for the User's into the excel spread sheet.
The Profile for the User must already exist in the system, entered via My Profiles.
Once complete, upload the file and select the green Next button.

The file will be validated and you'll see a summary of potential errors . 
If the data is correctly loaded click on the green Upload Data button to complete the process.
If the data is not correct as per an error message shown, click on the grey Cancel button to cancel the upload. Review the information in the file.
Once the data has been amended correctly you can proceed with the upload process again.

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