My Group Contacts

My Group Contacts

My Group Contacts

To find the ‘My Group Contacts’ setting click the settings tab and then click ‘My Group Contacts.’

The purpose of this setting relates to the creation of new (or the editing of current) Franchisees (Centers) and the creation of new Sites (Rooms). For example, you may have multiple maintenance workers for each Site, this is when the creation of new group contacts is helpful.

To start the creation of a group contact click the green ‘Add Group Contact’ button

This will take the user to a separate page where they will name the group contact, add a description and choose the type of group contact (Franchisee or Site).

Click the green ‘Add’ button to add your group contact. Your group contact will now appear on the group contact list. 

Using Group Contacts within Franchisee and Site Creation:

When creating a new Franchisee or Site, the user can add contacts into their newly created group contact by scrolling down to the Group Contacts section.

The user can drag contacts from the left side to the right side to add contacts to the group contact.

Group Contacts also relate to the creation of Ticket Categories. When creating a ticket category the user may select who is allowed to resolve and close tickets within the new category. When creating a new ticket category, scroll down to the ‘Closers’ and ‘Resolvers’ section and drag the Group Contacts applicable.

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