My Franchisees (Centers)

My Franchisees (Centers)

My Franchisees (Centers)

To access the 'My Franchisees' tab click the Franchisees tab, and click My Franchisees. 

Through the My Franchisees you can add, update and access your Franchise information.

At the top of this page you will see a search filter. This allows you to use filters to search for and find specific Franchises. 

Below these search filters are two green buttons on the right:

Adding a Franchise (Centre): 

Clicking the Add Centre button will bring you to a new page where you will click "Add new centre account." 

From here you will enter various details:
  1. Centre Details
  2. Site Address
  3. Postal Address
  4. Centre Group Contacts
  5. Set Sort Order for Centre
  6. Report Logo
Once you have completed these details, click the 'Create Centre' button. It will now be added to your 1Place system as a new Centre. 

Franchisee (Centre) List:

On the front page of My Franchisees will be a list of all of your Franchisees (Centres). 

From here you can view all of your Centres names and rooms, as well as engage in actions with the centres within the 'Action' box on the right side of the table. 

  1. View/Edit: Allows the user to view the information entered during the creation of the Franchisee. Also allows the user to edit this information if needed.
  2. Deactivate: This allows the user to deactivate the centre if it is not active within your business anymore. 

As a whole, the My Franchisees (Centre) section of 1Place allows you to create, search and view/edit your Franchisees.

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