My Assigned Ticket

My Assigned Ticket

My Assigned Ticket

To access the My Assigned Ticket Page click the Ticket Manager tab and click ‘My Assigned Ticket” at the very top.

The user will be brought to a page with two buttons:

  1. Tickets Assigned to Me

  2. All Other Tickets

Tickets Assigned to Me:

The table below has multiple ticket fields which provide specific information on each ticket, with more detail being able to be accessed by clicking on the blue subject lines. Tickets you're required to work on can be identified by the 'Quick Action' button.

Clicking this button will trigger a pop up screen where you can update the Status to the next and add in a Comment.
'Save and Send' will notify the next person in the Workflow, so they know they're now assigned to the Ticket.

All Other Tickets:

Your Profile will determine what Tickets you see in the 'All Other Tickets'.
The User will only see Tickets in Categories they have access to, and Franchisees / Sites they have access to.
However, they are not part of the Workflow and therefore can't update the Ticket Status. They can add Conversation, asking Users in the workflow to provide them with an update.

New Ticket & Bulk Ticket

Within the My Assigned Ticket area you may create a new ticket, or create a new bulk ticket.

Click the green buttons at the top right to get started.

Within the 'New Ticket' section you are able to create and assign a new ticket to one specific franchisee or site.

Within the 'Bulk Ticket' section you are able to assign the ticket to a franchisee or site alias. This means a large group of franchisees or sites will receive the ticket instead of just one, hence it being the bulk ticket option.

On the New and Bulk Ticket options there are further options below to customize your Ticket:

  1. Priority: How much urgency this ticket has to be completed. 
  2. Due Date: When the ticket must be completed. 
  3. Subject: What the ticket is regarding.
  4. Ticket Content: Explain what this ticket is.
  5. Email To: Choose who to email the ticket to.
  6. Upload Attachments: You may upload attachments such as docs, photos, etc.
Once you have completed these options, click one of the Save options on the right.

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