Incident Register

Incident Register

Incident Register

The Incident Register allows users to see various Incidents that have been created and can be used in their 1Place instance. The user can also upload and create new incidents.

To search and filter through currently existing incidents click the 'Show Search' button at the top right of the screen.

This will bring a dropdown with many filtering options to search through your incidents efficiently. 

Once you have decided on your filters, click the grey 'Search' button to enable them and find your specific incidents below. 

 To start the creation of a brand new incident, click the green '+New Incident' button.

This will bring you to a page where you will fill out details around the:
  1. Incident Type

  1. Incident

  1. Custom Fields* -*Custom Fields can be added and edited within the Custom Fields section in the Settings Tab. (Explained in the Custom Fields article.)

  1. Attachments regarding the incident may also be added. 

Once you have completed the creation of your incident, click the green 'Save' button at the bottom right of the screen. 

Once you have completed the creation process, you will be taken back to the main page of the incident register where you can see your new incident, as well as previously created ones listed.

Clicking the blue text of the name of affected person will allow you to edit your currently created incidents. This process is identical to the creation of a new incident, however the form will be filled out due to it being prevbiously created. 

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