Incident PDF Layouts

Incident PDF Layouts

Incident PDF Layouts

This allows the user to create a layout for when they export incidents to a PDF format. 

To access this page click the ‘Reports’ tab and click ‘Incident PDF Layouts.’

To start a new Incident PDF Layout click the green “+Add Layout” button on the right side of the page.

This will take the user to a separate Layout Details page where they will see various tick boxes:

The first step is to select a Name and Title for this Incident PDF Layout. 

The second step is to check all the boxes that you would like to apply to your layout’s header:

The final step is to choose which contact details will appear on your layout. These include the name of the Franchisee (Center), email, phone number, etc. 

To finish your layout click the green ‘Save’ button at the bottom right of the page. This will save your Incident PDF Layout for future use.

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