How Do I: Progress a Ticket?

How Do I: Progress a Ticket?


A Ticket has been submitted by either yourself or one of your team. What happens next? How do I progress, investigate and drill down a ticket to ultimately get it resolved? They can be viewed in two ways:
  1. Via the mobile app
  2. Via the web portal
The mobile app is generally used as an entry device (for completing checklists, tickets and logging incidents) however it can be used to take a checklist, ticket or incident from start to completion and is good for use on the go. The web portal provides the information in a table format, which is easier to view when you're sitting at your desk.

Types of Tickets overview

There are essentially two types of tickets:
  1. Tickets with a Delegator
  2. Tickets without a Delegator

Tickets with an Delegator

Workflow overview:
Pending --> Open --> Resolved --> Closed
  1. The Creator creates a ticket by choosing a ticket category and describing what needs to be done
  2. The newly-created ticket starts in the Pending stage, where it is waiting for the Delegator decide who should resolve it
  3. The Delegator moves the ticket to the Open stage by choosing a Resolver
  4. The designated Resolver completes whatever task/work/information that the ticket is requiring, and then marks the ticket as Resolved
  5. The Closer checks to make sure that the required work has been completed, before marking the ticket as Closed

Tickets without a Delegator

Workflow overview:
Open --> Resolved --> Closed
  1. The Creator creates a ticket by choosing a ticket category and describing what needs to be done
  2. The newly-created ticket starts in the Open stage, waiting to be resolved by whomever has been specified as a Resolver for this category of ticket
  3. The designated Resolver completes whatever task/work/information that the ticket is requiring, and then marks the ticket as Resolved
  4. The Closer checks to make sure that the required work has been completed, before marking the ticket as Closed
The Creator, Delegator, Resolver and Closer can be the same person or they can be different people, depending on the nature of the ticket. 

Progressing a Ticket with a Delegator via the mobile app


It starts at the Dashboard. Click on the 'Tickets' tab and it will display a list of your tickets, entitled, 'My Tickets' - these are tickets where you are involved in the process. To view all tickets for your organization, click on the 'All Tickets' icon. Click on the 'EDIT' button next to the ticket that you would like to progress.


When you edit a ticket, you will see the details of the ticket and current and future stages of the ticket appear in the small numbered flow chart at the top of the page. The pink 'Actions' button is used to update the status of the ticket. 


The next step in the process is the first option that is available to select. You can decide at any step to push a ticket back by one stage. This is useful in situations where a task has not been completed as required, or if there is information missing e.g. a closer might re-open a ticket if some required work was not fully completed. This will be outlined for all of the steps below. You can tap on the comments tab to view comments. This tab also allows you to add additional comments with without needing to update the status of the ticket. However you will be prompted to add a comment when changing or updating the status of the ticket. 

Tickets also have email functionality as well. Updating the status of a ticket will automatically send out emails, depending on how the email notification rules have been set up in the ticket category workflow. By default, the person at the following stage in the workflow will be notified, for example, moving a ticket into the Resolved stage will generally notify the Closer, because the ticket is now waiting for them to do their part. You can specify additional email recipients as well if you want someone outside the workflow to be kept in the loop.


The newly-created ticket starts in the Pending stage, where it is waiting for the Delegator decide who should resolve it. The Delegator moves the ticket to the Open stage by choosing a Resolver. The 'Delegate Ticket' will open a pop up box where you can choose the user to assign the ticket to and add a comment. When you click on the 'Submit' button, it will allocate the ticket to the assigned user, save the ticket and take you back to the Tickets tab. The status will change to 'Open.



The designated Resolver completes whatever task/work/information that the ticket is requiring, and then chooses the 'Resolve Ticket' option. The Delegator can choose to Resolve the Ticket themselves, Reassign it to the Delegator if it is outside of their remit or Reassign the ticket to someone else. The 'Resolve Ticket' will open a pop up box where you can add a comment an add additional emails to to notify additional people. When you click on the 'Submit' button, it save the ticket and take you back to the Tickets tab. The status will change to 'Resolved.




The Closer checks to make sure that the required work has been completed, before marking the ticket as Closed. The 'Re-open Ticket' allows you to open the ticket again if the issue is not fixed, Re-assign the ticket to Others if another person's input is required. The 'Close Ticket' will open a pop up box where you can add a comment an add additional emails to to notify additional people. When you click on the 'Submit' button, it will save the ticket and take you back to the Tickets tab. The status will change to 'Closed.'  



The Ticket is now closed which means that no further action is necessary. If the Ticket needs to be opened again, this can be done by going into the Ticket from the Tickets tab, clicking on the pink 'Actions' button and choosing the 'Set Back to Resolved' option. It will then take the ticket back one step and the status will change to 'Resolved.



The 'Comments' tab includes any comments that you wish to make regarding the ticket as well as showing when the status of the ticket progresses through the workflow. When the ticket has progressed all of the way through the workflow, then the comments tab will look like this: 


Additional Options/Configuration of the mobile app

Ticket workflows can also have a variety of different options configured to give extra functionality. These include:
  1. Multi-delegation Workflows
    1. Ticket categories can be set up with more than one delegator, which allows for multiple layers of approval before a task can proceed.
    2. Delegators are ordered in a sequence, and the workflow requires approval from each before moving on.
    3. The final delegator chooses the resolver
  2. Multi-resolver Workflows
    1. Similar to multi-delegation, multi-resolver workflows have multiple users specified before a ticket is marked as resolved
    2. This allows a delegator to specify multiple people and require confirmation from either one or all of them before the ticket is considered resolved.
  3. Ticket Cancellation
    1. This feature is enabled within a user's profile.
    2. Users with this enabled are allowed to cancel a ticket and immediately close the whole workflow at any stage.

Progressing a Ticket with a Delegator via the web portal


When you login, you will be taken to the Dashboard tab, Summary Dashboard page. To progress a ticket, click on the 'Ticket Manager' tab and click on 'My Assigned Ticket.' 


The page will automatically default to the 'My Assigned Tickets' page which will show in blue, meaning that it is the active page. This will show a list of all of the tickets that you are involved in with a table containing all of the tickets that are assigned to you with a search bar at the top of the page if you know which ticket that you would like to open.


This search bar can be hidden as well.


The green buttons above the table are:
  1. New Ticket - raise a new ticket
  2. Bulk Ticket - this is where you can raise a ticket for multiple centers or rooms
The ticket table includes all of the ongoing and completed tickets in created date order, however the up and down arrows within some of the titles means that you have the ability to filter to change the order to suit your requirements. The titles in the table are:
  1. Current status - of Pending, Open, Resolved, Closed - the information circle advises what has been done
  2. Priority - the level of priority
  3. Center - the name of the center that the ticket is based upon
  4. Room - the name of the room that the ticket is based upon
  5. Category Type - the type of category that the ticket has been assigned to
  6. Subject - the name of the ticket. This is a clickable link which will open the ticket for viewing and editing
  7. Incident - if there are any incidents associated with the ticket
  8. No - the unique ticket number
  9. Created Date - the date the ticket was created
  10. Due Date - the date the ticket is due
  11. Action (blank) - icons which allow you to download (to print) and to copy (clone) the ticket
  12. Quick Action - linked to the current status, this allows you to to move quickly to the next status in the workflow without entering the ticket


To progress a particular ticket, click on the link in the subject it will open up the ticket. The tabs that are available will show in grey and will take you back to the main table when you select 'Tickets Assigned To Me' and to other tickets within your center that you are not involved with when you select 'All Other Tickets.' The top of the page will show the Ticket Status, then Change Ticket Status followed by the Ticket Details. Down the right hand side are options to save or print. 

Ticket Status

The current status is highlighted at the top of the ticket workflow and the next stage in the workflow is shown with an arrow. Underneath the ticket workflow, you are able to change the ticket status from the current status to the next status in the workflow.


Change Ticket Status

This will progress the ticket through the ticket workflow as mentioned in the Types of Ticket overview section above.


The newly-created ticket starts in the Pending stage, where it is waiting for the Delegator decide who should resolve it. The Delegator moves the ticket to the Open stage by clicking on the 'Open' button, which then will allow them to choose a Resolver.  Comments can be written by using the Comments box underneath. The status will change to 'Open.' To save your changes at any time during the process, click on the green 'Save & Continue' on the right to continue through the workflow or the or 'Save and Exit' button to exit the workflow.



When the status moves to 'Open' you will see a green comments box appear above 'Change Ticket Status.' This box will show the last three conversations in the ticket. The designated Resolver completes whatever task/work/information that the ticket is requiring, and then chooses the 'Resolve Ticket' option. The Delegator can choose to Resolve the Ticket themselves or Reassign it to back the Delegator if it is outside of their remit. You can choose more than one Resolver. If you chose all three Resolvers in this example, then the first person who completes the work will be the one to move the ticket forward to the next stage in the workflow.  Comments can be written by using the Comments box underneath. The status will change to 'Open.' To save your changes at any time during the process, click on the green 'Save & Continue' on the right to continue through the workflow or the or 'Save and Exit' button to exit the workflow.



The Closer checks to make sure that the required work has been completed, before marking the ticket as Closed. The 'Re-open Ticket' allows you to open the ticket again if the issue is not fixed, Re-assign the ticket to Others if another person's input is required. The 'Close Ticket' will open a pop up box where you can add a comment an add additional emails to to notify additional people. When you click on the 'Submit' button, it will save the ticket and take you back to the Tickets tab. The status will change to 'Closed. 



The Ticket is now closed which means that no further action is necessary. If the Ticket needs to be opened again, this can be done by going into the Ticket from the Tickets tab and choosing the 'Resolved' button in the Change Ticket Status . It will then take the ticket back one step and the status will change to 'Resolved.


Ticket Details

This is the section where you can edit, amend and add attachments about the ticket to send in an email. 


You are able to write comments regarding the ticket by using the green 'Add Comment' button and choose to email your comments to anyone in the workflow. The comments will show in the table below.


Quick Action

In the table on the far right, there is a 'Quick Action' title. This is linked to the current status and allows you to to move quickly to the next status in the workflow without entering the ticket.


Progressing a Ticket without a Delegator 

If a Ticket does not have a Delegator, the process is the same as Progressing a Ticket with a Delegator except that it will skip the first action, 'Pending' and proceed straight to the 'Open' stage.

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