- The Creator creates an incident and describing what has occurred
- The newly-created incident starts in the Open stage, waiting to be resolved by whomever has been specified as a Resolver for this category of incident
- The designated Resolver investigates the incident and then marks the incident as Resolved
- The Closer checks to make sure that the incident has been investigated fully and has been completed, before marking the incident as Closed
Categories types work a little differently in Incidents insofar as they are set by the severity of the Incident, from Mild (First Aid) upwards. The severity of the Incident then determines who is notified. Once the incident has a category, then the Incident status popups up with statuses. The flowchart,
Getting Started with Incidents may be helpful for you to complete the progress of the incident.
Incident Details
This tab should already have been filled in by the Creator, the person who raised the incident. The status is at the 'Pending' stage. As you work through the Incident, you are able to manually change the status by using the drop down box to 'Open' or 'Resolved' depending on the stage that you are at and clicking on the 'SUBMIT' button on the top right corner of the page. After you have submitted the incident, you can continue editing the incident or go back to the Dashboard. If there is relevant information that comes up after you have marked it as 'Resolved' then you can go back and change the status back to 'Open' again.
As the person who will investigate the incident, click on the 'Investigation' tab at the top of the page and the pink line will move to this tab. You can change the category of the incident if you consider the severity to be different to the Creator's assessment, provide analysis of the incident and decide whether an investigation is required.
The last tab in this section is the Comments tab, where you are able to make any comments that feel are important to the incident.
If there are any details that are required before you submit the investigation of the incident, then a pop up box will appear requesting the details to be added. Once you submit the incident, a pop up box will appear advising that the incident is being submitted and that it is submitted successfully. You will then be taken back to the Dashboard.
Investigating an Incident via the web portal
When you login, you will be taken to the Dashboard tab, Summary Dashboard page. To view your incidents, click on the 'Health & Safety' tab and click on 'Incident Register.'
The page will automatically default to the 'Incidents' page. This will show a list of all of the incidents within a table with a search bar at the top of the page if you know which incident that you would like to open.
This search bar can be hidden as well.
The green buttons above the table are:
- Upload Incident - this is where you can upload an incident from your files
- New Incident - this is where you can raise a new incident
The incident table includes all of the ongoing and completed incidents in incident number order, however the up and down arrows within some of the titles means that you have the ability to filter to change the order to suit your requirements. The titles in the table are:
- Name of Affected Person - the person that the incident happened to. This is a clickable link which is directed into the incident
- No - the unique incident number
- Type - the category type that the incident falls into. This could be categories such as Adult - Injury, Child - Injury
- Status - the current status of Pending, Open, Resolved, Closed
- Incident Date - the date the incident occurred
- Room - the name of the room that the incident occurred in
- Center - the name of the center that the incident occurred in
- Hazard - if there was an identified hazard where the incident occurred
- Date Reported - the date that the incident was reported/logged
- Severity - seriousness of the incident
- Tickets - if there are any tickets associated with the incident
- Action (blank) - icons which allow you to download to print the full report and the incident details
Incident Details
To investigate an incident, click on the name of the affected person and the page will automatically default to the 'Incident Details' page which will show in blue, meaning that it is the active page. The other tabs that are available will show in grey and they allow you to view the changes through the incident history and any tickets associated with the incident. the Incident Details have already been filled in when the incident was logged.
Investigation of Incident
This is the next section that you will see is where your journey starts.
Work your way through the subtitles in each section: Incident Category (rates the severity of the incident), Analysis, Investigation and Signature. At the bottom of the page, you can choose from three buttons: to deactivate the Incident, cancel or update. The 'Deactivate' button will delete the incident, the 'Cancel' button will exit without saving and the 'Update' button will save the changes and update the incident.