Health & Safety Settings

Health & Safety Settings

Health & Safety Settings

The health & safety settings are found within the Health & Safety Tab. 

  1. Incident Notification Settings: These settings allow the set up of notification emails for specific users. On this page you can set the user to 

    receive notification for incidents - click and drag them over from the box on the left to the box on the right to activate their notifications.

Incident Email Fields: This will determine which events will trigger a new email being sent out.

  1. Incident Sorting Order: you can set the order in which the Incident Register displays the Incidents. You can choose between Date, Number or Reported Date.

  1. Inactive Incident Notification will allow the user to have notifications sent out for inactive incidents. Certain options can be chose such as how long the incident needs to be inactive for emails to be sent out, as well as what time the email will be sent out.
  1. List Fields: allow the user to add options to questions within your incident creation. This allows users to be more specific when describing a type of injury -  its severity, etc. 

List Fields Example:

In this example we will create an option for 'Incident - Severity.' 
  1. Select 'Incident - Severity' from the 'Select Incident Field to View Options' box.

  1. You will see your currently existing options below. 
  2. Click the green '+Add Option' button to add a new option.

  1. This will bring an empty box to fill in at the bottom of the list.

  1. For this 'Severity' example we will add the new option 'In House First Aid - plaster, ice pack.' This lets users identity that the incident severity was low and only required basic treatment in house.

  1. Click the green Save button to the right of your new option to save it.
  2. To see and use this new option go to your Incident Register and start a New Incident. 
  3. When you click the Severity box you shall see our new option to select and identify how severe this incident was, adding more specific detail to your Incidents within 1Place.

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