Health & Safety Classes

Health & Safety Classes

Health & Safety Classes

Health & Safety Classes can be found in the Health & Safety tab and are another method of further categorising your reported Incidents and Hazards.

  1. To add a new class, click the '+Add New Class' button. 

  1. This will bring up a blank Label and Description box for you to fill out.

  1. Click the green 'Save' button to save your new class.


The Health & Safety Classes you have created can be found when viewing/investigating an incident and scrolling down to the investigation of the incident section.

  1. Here you can select which class to add your incident into. 

Once you have added a few incidents to a class, you can use it to search for a group of incidents within your incident register.
  1. Click the Search button on your incident register
  2. On the left side of the filters, 'Select Class' will appear. You may choose your class from here.

  1. Click the 'Search' button. This will now display your Incidents within that class for you to analyse. 


When creating a new Hazard, you may add it to a specific Health & Safety class.

  1. Within the Hazard creator, within the Hazard Details section you will see 'Select Class.'

  1. Select the class you want to add the Hazard to, fill out the rest of the Hazard form and add the Hazard. 
  2. Within the Hazard Register search you may choose a class and search for Hazards within that class.

  1. You will now view your specific Hazards below in the register to analyze. 

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