Excel Reports

Excel Reports

Excel Reports

All the data entered into 1Place can be exported into an excel format. 

To export data go to the “Reports” tab and click “Excel Reports.”

Various different types of reports are available to be exported on this screen:

Click on the blue text for the report you would like to export.

Checklist Answers Report Example:

When you have click on the blue 'Checklist Answers Report' you will be taken to a second screen with various options as shown below.

  1. From & To: Choose where the data in the report starts and ends.
  2. Checklist type: Either Franchisee (Center) or Site (Room).
  3. Tag: If you have created a tag you may use it here.
  4. Answer Type: Answer or Score.
  5. Checklist: Select which checklist template will be used for this excel report.
  6. Version: Select the relevant template version if applicable.
  7. Room Alias: Allows you to quickly add rooms to the report through aliases.
  8. Checklist Question Filters: Allows you to chooser which questions will appear within the report.
Once you have completed all of these options, click the green 'Export as Excel' button to download an excel file report.

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