Downloading Your Excel Reports

Downloading Your Excel Reports


The different reports provide a representation of your overall business results from your completed checklists, tickets and incidents, with each report analyzing the results from a slightly different perspective. This article will give you a brief overview at the main ones that you will use. The purpose of these reports is to give you the ability to look across all of your centers to understand how things are looking or for a management discussion to investigate trends over time.


When you login, you will be taken to the Dashboard by default. From here, click on the 'Reports' tab. 


The main reports in this section are:
  1. Checklist Answers Report
  2. Checklist Photos Report
  3. Incidents Report
  4. Summary Tickets Report

Checklist Answers Report

This report allows you to pull your checklist data at a question level. You are able to select any checklist over a specific date range. You can create filters by center and room and focus on one question in the checklist or multiple questions. 

Checklist Photos Report

This report allows you to pull all images in a template for a particular center or multiple center. 

Incidents Report

This report allows you to pull all incidents of a certain type or a room over a certain date range.

Summary Tickets Report

This report is a consolidated view of all of your tickets and conversations.

For all of these reports, you have the ability to specify the date range and download to excel should you need to at any time. 

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