Completion Reporting By Exception

Completion Reporting By Exception

1Place includes reporting features which provide an adjustable overview of which checklists are being completed when, by whom and so on.
Monitoring completion allows you to keep an eye on checklists and compare them on a basic level without looking at scores.
In many cases visibility can be further enhanced through viewing this information by exception.
Completion / exception reporting is available on the Summary Dashboard, the Reporting Dashboard and in Email Reports. In all cases, these reports are set up using a very similar set of filters.

Completion Types - Scheduled vs Unscheduled
There are three possibilities for the status of a checklist when it comes to completion:
- Completed
- Partially Completed
- Uncompleted

Selecting these options in the Completion filter will allow you to determine which statuses you would like the report to show.
Whether or not a schedule is present determines which icons you will see in a checklist:

This is because the presence of a schedule implies that the lack of a checklist is a negative result i.e. something which was supposed to be completed has not been.
On the other hand, an unscheduled or ad-hoc checklist being uncompleted may or may not be an issue, so it is left blank.

Mode Filter
There are several ways to configure a completion report in order to tailor it to your specific needs.
The Mode filter is used in conjunction with the completion filter in order to determine the level of completion you wish to see or not see.

If you select 'Any': You will see a row if any of your selected completion statuses appear in at least one cell of that row.
If you select 'All': You will see a row if all of the cells in that row match with your selected completion status(es).

Note that selecting all of the options in the completion filter will allow you to see all checklists which match your range regardless whether the mode filter is set to 'any' or 'all'. This is the default setting.

Some Examples
Note: these examples are created using the reporting dashboard, but they could also be replicated in the summary dashboard or as an email report.

Example 1:
Let's say we would like to see an overview of results for a checklist scheduled daily in the last week.
In this case, we would set our filter to view by daily, for the last week (excluding today).
We would also indicate the sites/franchisees, checklist and schedule that we are interested in.
We will select all of the completion options, because we want to see an overview of everything.
The Mode doesn't matter in this case, so we will leave it as 'any'.

The filters should look similar to this.


And the resulting completion report looks like this:

We can see all of the results for the last week for these 3 sites.

Example 2:
Perhaps we are interested in seeing any sites who did not complete their checklists as required last week.
We would set the filters similarly to Example 1, however we would just set the completion filter to 'Uncompleted' and have the Mode filter set as 'Any' because we want to see any cases of uncompleted checklists in the last week.

And the resulting completion report looks like this:

We don't see Test Site 1, because it had no days with uncompleted checklists, but we would see Test Sites 2 and 3 because they both have at least one day where a checklist was not completed.

Example 3:
Maybe missing a day is not a problem and we are only interested in cases where a whole week is missed. In this case, we would follow the same filters as Example 2, but set the Mode filter to 'All'.
The result would be this:

Test Site 3 completed no checklists for our schedule within the last week, so all of the days last week are marked as uncompleted - therefore, we will see them with the filters we selected.

Example 4:
Many checklists are unscheduled because they are intended to be completed only when needed.
Because of this we might, for example, be interested in seeing a list of all sites which had specific checklists completed against them within a particular timeframe.
In this case we'll select a fixed date range (1 Jan to 31 March) viewed monthly, and we will look at any partial or completed checklists within that time, with no schedule set:

And the resulting completion report looks like this:

In this case we don't see Test Site 1 because no checklists were completed against that site in this 3 month period.
We can also notice that Test Site 3 had no checklists completed in March, so there is a blank cell.
We could also see this same report as a weekly or even daily view if we wanted more specific details:

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