Completing a Checklist

Completing a Checklist


We are in exciting territory. The future of no paper checklists await. Your checklists are set and ready to go. You are just about to start completing your first one. Completing your first checklist doesn't have to be a daunting task. You are a few clicks away from being a Checklist Master.

Scheduled vs Ad hoc Checklists 

Checklists can be either scheduled or ad hoc. Scheduled checklists are set to run automatically on a certain day/s and time and will appear in the 'Checklists To Do' section. Ad hoc checklists are one-off, unplanned checklists that you complete once and you can complete it by using the 'Plus' button at the bottom of the page. Both are completed in the same manner.

To start a Scheduled Checklist

When you log in, the Dashboard will be displayed. The Dashboard will default to the Checklists Tab and will show:
  1. Checklists To Do - these are checklists that are scheduled for you to complete today
  2. Checklists Completed Today - these are checklists that you have already completed today
  3. Overdue Checklists - these are checklists that were scheduled prior to today that haven't been completed yet
Clicking on the down arrow will display the names of the checklists to complete under each section. The number of checklists under each list appears on the left inside a pink circle.


To start a checklist, click on the 'START' button on the right of the Checklist. This will open up the checklist.


To start an Ad Hoc Checklist

When you log in, the Dashboard will be displayed. Click on the Plus (New) icon which appears at the bottom of the screen of any page when you log in.  


It will open a pop up box with options of what 'New' addition you would like to make:
  1. Checklist
  2. Ticket
  3. Note
  4. Incident 

Click on 'Checklist' and it will take you to a list of Checklist templates. Choose from whether you would like the checklist for the 'Center' or the 'Room' and select the Checklist that you would like to run. It will open up the checklist.


    Completing a Checklist

    Checklists are completed by filling out all of the questions that are displayed. There are a variety of question types and each is designed to make it easy to capture the information required.

    The top of the page will display the name of the Checklist that you are completing followed by the name of your organization and the cloud icon, which shows your connection (online/offline) status and the 'SUBMIT' button. The three vertical dots on the right display some actions that you can make at any time during completion: 
    1. Create Ticket - log an area of concern that requires fixing. Tickets may be automatically raised based on the nature of the question
    2. Show Tickets - displays all of the tickets under "My Tickets"
    3. Reassign Checklist - move the checklist to a different area

    The banner underneath displays the titles of the sections of your checklist and a pink line is underneath the section that you are currently filling out. The exclamation mark inside the pink circle means that the section has not been completed in full.


    To answer a question in the checklist, click in the box. The top of the page will add the words, 'All Changes Saved.' There may be some icons that you see on the right of the questions. This is where you can add additional information (such as a photo or a comment) or find out additional information to assist in answering the question (such as helpful information or a link to a website). Photos can be taken from the camera on your device directly, or you can add photos that are already saved on your device (this setting option can be disabled).


    At the bottom of each page you will see two buttons. To progress through the checklist, click on the Next button or to to back and view or amend your previous questions, click on the Previous button. Carry on through the checklist until all of the sections have been completed. A quick way to view this is if all of the sections do not have have the exclamation mark inside of the pink circle. 

    Submitting a Checklist

    When you reach the last page of the checklist, the 'Next' button will be grey. Sometimes the last "question" will be a signature panel. Click on the 'SUBMIT' button when you are happy that you have answered the questions sufficiently.


    A pop up box will appear and asking if you would like to submit the checklist to 1Place. If you are happy with the checklist, click on the 'SUBMIT' button, otherwise, click on the 'CANCEL' button to close the pop up box and go back to the checklist. The pop up box dialogue will change to advise that the checklist is being submitted and the dialogue will change again when your checklist has been submitted successfully.

    The checklist will show in the 'Checklists Completed Today' once the checklist has been successfully submitted.



    If you are working offline, there will be a diagonal line through the cloud icon at the top of the page. If you try and submit the checklist, an error message will pop up and it will save the checklist into 'Drafts.' You are able to go into the checklist and submit it once you are back online.


    When you click on 'DRAFTS' in the top section, you will be able to view all Drafts, which are under three titles (if you have them): 'Drafts Unsubmitted Checklists,' 'Drafts Unsubmitted Tickets' and 'Drafts Unsubmitted Incidents.' Click on the draft that you would like to complete and it will open for you to finish and submit. To delete the draft, click on the rubbish bin icon on the right of the page. 


    When you have submitted the checklist from the Drafts folder, it will remove the checklist from the Drafts folder and add it to the 'Checklists Completed Today' section.

    Congratulations! You have now successfully completed your first checklist and are on your way to becoming a Checklist Master!

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