Checklist Template Builder

Checklist Template Builder

Checklist Template Builder 


Checklists are one of the core elements of the 1Place system. In order to use checklists to their fullest capability, it's important to carefully consider their purpose, structure and content during the design stage. This way, we can optimize both the quantity and quality of captured data.

The 1Place Checklist Template Builder gives a variety of question types and structural options for designing checklist templates. This is great, because it allows a large degree of flexibility, but it can also present decision-making challenges when there is more than one way to approach the design of a given checklist. The ideas below should help to guide you towards making good choices when building a new checklist template.

Creating a new Checklist Template:

To create a new Checklist Template, please follow the steps below:
  •  Click the 'Checklist Manager' tab and select 'Checklist Template'.

  • Click the green '+New Checklist Template' button.

On the next page the first set of setting you see will be the general settings:

  1. The first step is to create a name for your checklist template.
  2. The second option available allows you to choose who is assigned to this checklist.
  3. The third set of options allow the user to tick and untick certain attributes for this template to your personal preferences. 

Below the General Settings is the PDF Report Settings. Various different options are available to the user to customize their PDF reports. 

  • Show scoring: Determines if the Scores are displayed on the PDF Report.

  • Show all selectable answers: Show all possible answers, or just the one chosen by the User.

  • Show charts: At the bottom of the PDF Report you'll see charts that show the Franchisee / Site performance (only relevant if your Template has scoring setup). Recommendation: Ticked (if this is a scored checklist)

  • Show Tickets: Shows a list of all tickets for the Franchisee / Site that this checklist is assigned to. This list appears at the bottom of the PDF Report. 

  • Show Photos at the Bottom of Each Group: Determines where the photos will show in the PDF Report.

  • Hide Unanswered Questions/Groups: Determines if unanswered questions / groups will be displayed in the PDF Report.

  • Hide Information Panel Questions: Determines if the Information Panel should show in the PDF Report.

  • Print PDF Report in Landscape Mode: Determines the layout of the PDF Report. 

The last set of settings on this page is the profiles that may have access to the template.

  • Select the profiles you want to have access to the checklist by dragging them into the right hand box, or you may add all of them by clicking the double right arrow button.

  • Click the green 'Next' button at the bottom right to go into the Checklist Builder.

The Checklist Template Builder:

Once you have given your checklist a name, chosen its attributes as well as chosen which profiles have access to this checklist template, you are now ready to start building your checklist template.

You may start by clicking the the green 'Add Group' button (on the right side of the page) and then giving this group a name. Click 'Ok' once you have written the name to save the group.

Now you can start to add questions to your checklist template!
To add a question, drag the question type into the group:

There are many different types of questions to choose from to customize and make your checklists much more variable and dynamic:

  • Conditional Rule: This allows you to create a rule depending on the conditions from a different question. For example if you set a conditional rule on a checkbox question you can ask a follow up question if the user ticks No to a question. Such as “why did you select no?” 

  • Checkbox: This is a simple box with a yes or no tick. 

  • Date: Allows the user to add any date

  • Date/Time: The same as the date section, however allows users to add the time as well. 

  • Select: Allows the user to select one option from a list. 

  • Select Many: Allows the user to select multiple options from a list. 

  • Text: Text box with limited characters.

  • Text Area: Text box with a large number of characters. 

  • Yes or No: Questions that can be answered with simple Yes or Nos. N/A, also an option.

  • Number: Enter a number against the importance of your answer. 

  • Percentage:  The Score is based on: the % selected on the answer multiplied by the maximum value of the question (ie. Low = 4, Medium = 8, High = 12). For example, 75% chosen for a high question would generate a score of 9.

  • Signature: Allows the user to draw their signature on a touchscreen. 

  • Information Panel: Not a question. Requires no answer, is just for extra details in an information box. 

  • Data Grid: Similar to an excel grid. Has a max of 12 rows and supports formulas. 

  • Timer: You may enter a description of what is to be timed, and the user can start a timer. The user can come back to stop the timer once their task is completed. 

  • Dynamic Data Input Grid: Allows the user to drag other types of questions such as text, checkbox, etc into a grid format to add them to your checklist. APP ONLY

  • Fixed Input Data Grid: Same as above however the amount of rows can be fixed. Enter the amount you want in the box under the column amount - this is the same method as the data grids. 

  • Subtotal: Allows the user to total up variables from other questions. 

Once you have completed the checklist template click one of two options at the top right of the page:

  • Save button: Will save the checklist as a draft and enable the user to come back and make edits.

  • Save and Publish button: Will save the checklist template, as well as publish the checklist for general use. 

  1. The third option, “Set Group Weighting” will also appear:

This allows you to set a weighting to questions with scores. Note: You must have multiple questions with scores for weighting to become applicable to your checklist.

Click the “Set Group Weighting” button to be taken to that page.
This will allow you to set the weighting of the question score out of 100%. Note: The weightings must add up to exactly 100% to work.

Click the green “Save Weighting” button to save it. It will bring you back to your checklist creation screen. 

How to Edit a Checklist:

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