Appointments and Calls

Appointments and Calls

Appointments and Calls

The Appointment and Calls section allows the user to log dates for when they have an appointment or when they have scheduled a call.

The Appointments and Calls section can be found under the Ticket Manager tab. 

To start the process of either logging a call or setting a new appointment click either the green 'Log a Call' button or '+Set Appointment' button on the right side of the page.

Log a Call:

Once you have clicked the Log a Call button a pop up in the middle of your screen will appear:

This allows you to enter the:
  1. Date: When the call is taking place. 
  2. Category: Whether it is a call regarding a Franchisee or Site. Choosing one of these will allow you to choose a specific Franchisee or Site within your system.  
  3. Subject: What the call will be regarding.
  4. Note: Any extra notes needed regarding the call.
  5. Duration: How long the call will be scheduled for.
Click the green 'Save' button to log your call. 


Once you have clicked the green '+Set Appointment' button a pop up in the middle of your screen will appear:

This allows you to enter the:
  1. Date: When the appointment is scheduled for.
  2. Category: Franchisee or Site (same process as a logging a call.)
  3. Subject: The subject of your appointment.
  4. Duration: How long this appointment will be. 
Click the green save button to save your appointment.