


Instead of individually searching for groups of franchisees or sites, or selecting them one by one for reports, we can put them into useful groupings called aliases.

To find the Aliases setting, click the settings tab, and click “Aliases” at the very bottom.

An example of where we might use an alias is if we wanted to make a group of the centers which are located in a specific region.

Creating Aliases Example

On this page you may switch between Franchisee and Site Aliases, in this example we will be creating and using a Site Alias.

Click the green ‘+Site Alias’ button to get started creating an Alias. 

On this page you may name your site Alias and then add the applicable sites to your alias by dragging them over or by selecting the site and clicking the single right arrow. Once you have completed this, click the green ‘Add’ button on the bottom right of the page to save it. 

How to use Aliases

There are multiple ways that you can use Aliases to find information more efficiently within 1Place. 
The main way to use Aliases is to search for information.

In the Checklist Register: We can see that there is a filter option called ‘Site Alias.’ We can use the filter to search for groups of sites which are under that alias. 

Aliases are also available for use within reporting.

Within the Incident Report: (within Excel Reports under the Reports tab) you may select a Site Alias. Selecting this will ensure that the report created will be for the group of sites within that Alias.

Site and Franchisee Aliases can be used within the Summary Dashboard:

Within the Summary Dashboard: When creating a new Summary Dashboard, in order to speed up and automate the creation process, a user may select a Franchisee or Site Alias. This will instantly add all Franchisees under the chosen Alias into the ‘Report on’ section.

To add the Alias click on the mandatory “Report on” tab in your Dashboard filters. Select if you would like to choose a Franchisee Alias, or a Site Alias.

When one of the Alias options are selected, you may drag one of your created Aliases into the right box to enable it. This will change the box below, shifting the applicable Franchisees or Sites into Franchisees or Sites that will be reported on in this Summary Dashboard.

(New feature as of 28 Apr)
The alias is now another way to give users site access - this means that if rooms/sites are removed from or added to the aliases, the access of users who are assigned to those aliases will automatically be updated.
Individual site selection is still available as an option too, so you can choose which option is more suitable, depending on the situation.

Under the user details page, there is an option now to "select room/site access mode":

When 'Room/Site Alias' is selected as room/site access mode, one or more aliases can be selected to give the user access to the rooms/sites listed under chosen aliases.:

In this way, if one or some of the rooms/sites transferred to the other center/service/region, or they are no longer under the certain managing area/team, they can be updated within just the alias, and your users will have access to the rooms/sites accordingly.
Alias can be updated or created by Settings > Aliases > '+Room/Site Alias' or 'Upload Room/Site Aliases'

Then bring the sites/rooms you'd like to add to this alias on the right hand side, save.

This means that you can now control access of the following by applying/editing aliases:
Email Reporting 
Checklist Schedules 
Users access (room/site Aliases only) 

You can now view the list of users who gain access to the room/site via the selected alias(es) from the details page.:
Rooms/Sites > View/Edit (under Action) > Aliases

How to use 'Alias Uploader'?

The aliases can be created/updated either manually or with 'Upload Aliases'
'Upload Aliases' allows you to download an Excel spreadsheet with existing details where you can make changes and once done, upload it back to the system with bulk updates on these details

To create/update/view aliases, here are the steps
1. Click on Settings
2. Click on Aliases
3. Choose which of Center/Service/Store/Region or Room/Site you're creating alias(es) for
4. Click on 'Upload ... Aliases'

5. (if updating/viewing existing aliases) Choose aliases, default value is 'Select All' which means that ALL the existing aliases are selected and will be exported
6. In case you're working on Room/Site Aliases, enabling this option will allow adding in Center/Service/Region name in front of Room/Site names in the spreadsheet. This is particularly useful when there are duplicate Room/Site names (e.g. there may be more than 1 'Infant room' across different centers/services)
7. This will generate a blank spreadsheet and ignore all the options you selected in step 5 and/or 6
8. This will generate a spreadsheet with existing details

9.1. Here is the difference between generated spreadsheets depending on which of step 7 or 8 you chose:

7. Blank template:vs8. Template from filters:

*Note 1: Even if you are creating new aliases, it is far easier to export from the filter, since you can view how the existing aliases look like as an "example". You can simply add new lines right below the existing information - in the above example, you can add new alias information from row 11. Please note that if you create new aliases, 'ID' column value for the row should always be left empty.
*Note 2: If you are updating the existing aliases, make sure NOT to change the 'ID' but only update the 'Alias Name' and/or the 'Sites'. If you change the ID, it will no longer upload your updated information. 

9.2. If you tick the "Append... "checkbox at step 6, all the room/site names will appear as [center/service/region name]^[room/site name].
In the below examples, you can see the difference:

Site/Room names onlyVSSite/Room names with center/region names

If all your centers' room names are unique, this option does not need to be selected. This becomes useful when multiple centers have the same room names such as "Nursery room", "Toddler room" etc.

10. Once you have updated/added aliases and save the excel spreadsheet, it's ready to be uploaded:
Settings > Aliases > Upload Room/Site (or Center/Region) Aliases > Upload > Upload Data

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